Thursday, April 30, 2009

Funny Conversations with Delaney and Bryse

I had to share this conversation between Delaney and Bryse this evening before I forget it......

D: Bryse, do you want to sleep in your bed like a big boy?
B: No.
D: But Bryse, all your friends (stuffed animals) are in your bed.
B: Ya?
D: Bryse, big boys sleep by themselves in their beds. Do you get it?
B: Oh ya. I get it.

That was it...I couldn't stop laughing. They were so serious it was like they were adults having the conversation. It cracks me up the things that they say to eachother. Delaney thinks that she's the Mom and needs to take care of him. Wonder where she gets that from?!?!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pool makeover

See that ugly green tile and crazy lion head? Say bye bye!!!

Ryan's friend Gabe has a pool rehab business. Lucky for us! He came over and knocked off all of the ugly green tile and lion heads off the pool and put up new pretty tile! He's not done yet. Next week he's coming to put up the bowls that will replace the lion heads. It looks so great already! For any of you that have ever been in our pool you might remember how rough the bottom of our pool was. Hopefully it's much better now because we sanded the rough spots. I hope everyone will enjoy our refurbished pool this summer!

I LOVE Chapstick

Sweet little Bryse LOVES chapstick! He always is asking me for my chapstick. When he gets a hold of it...look out! He doesn't want to give it back and if you're not watching he'll put it all over his face!!

Allergic to grass?

We went to Austin and Tavin's birthday party last Saturday. The kids had a great time but after we got home Delaney had a HUGE rash on her legs! The doctor said that she could be allergic to a certain type of grass or something that she ate! She didn't eat anything different so I have to assume that it's the grass! She still was having an allergic reaction 3 days after! Now she's supposed to take Claritin every day! Poor thing. I don't want her to take it EVERY day so I'm just going to give it to her when I see something break out on her skin. Is that bad? I don't like the idea of my 3 year old taking medicine every day!

Remember These??

Do you remember these hideous accordian blinds we had on our windows?

Well, they're gone now. We got plantation shutters!!! They're absolutely gorgeous! We love them. They make the house look sooooo much better. The other great part is that we don't have to have the curtains in Delaney and Bryse's room anymore!! Hooray!

Best Friends

The other night I was reading to the kids before they went to bed. We were sitting together in Bryse's room. After we were finished they were giving each other hugs and kisses. They went on forever holding eachother! They'd hug, kiss, then look at eachother, smile and do it all over again. This must have gone on for almost 10 minutes! I couldn't bear to stop them. Once I got Bryse in his bed I went into Delaney's room with her and she said the sweetest thing! "Mom, Bryse is my best pal. I love my baby brother." It doesn't get any better than that! I LOVE that they love eachother so much. They have the best time together. I hope it's always that way!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

We went to San Francisco to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary. Jenn and Bill came with us (they vacationed with us on our 3rd anniversary too..we're starting a tradition!). Aimee and Vadid came too. It was their first time away from their beautiful baby Sofia. It was such an amazing trip that was full of much needed adult time for all of us. By pure coincidence Angela was up in San Francisco the same weekend visiting Melissa and Bradie. Also up for the weekend was Ryan's friend John and his girlfriend Erika. How funny is that! My friend Sara that I went to SDSU with lives up there so we met up with her and her fiance. It was so funny how we were surrounded by people that we knew from southern California!! The weather was great. Originally it was supposed to rain the whole time we were there but the rain didn't show up until Sunday. It's fortunate that Ryan and I like the rain so it didn't bother us one bit. We were really missing the kids but got to see a lot of the famous sights and really, really enjoyed our time with eachother and everyone else.
Happy Anniversary Ryan. I love, love, love you. You are the love of my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!!

it was so windy at the golden gate bridge!

in the chinese tea garden

the fabulous miss sara bagheri!

the view from the top floor of the hyatt was soooo amazing!

we had to take a picture in front of Delaney's bar!!

the pretty flowers in fisherman's wharf

ghirardelli square..we had the most delicious chocolate, banana split and cupcakes!

happy anniversary to the love of my life!

Vadid, Aimee, Ryan, Marcy, Erika, John, Gina, Jenn and Bill at the top of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel

meow meow!!

vadid and aimee are so much fun!

love you jenn and bill!

Aimee, Jenn, Angela, Bradie, Melissa and I at Le Colonial

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You've got to check this out!

Okay all my crafty blogger friends. I have found a website for you! Have you ever heard of It's sort of like eBay but it's a site to sell handmade crafts to the public. People can pay you through paypal and they have everything that you can think of......go check it out and maybe you girls can start selling some of your stuff on there!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day

Delaney's School had a snow day exciting is that? Although it is pretty warm the kids had a lot of fun. I wasn't there when Delaney was playing with her class but her teacher said they were all throwing snowballs at eachother- how fun! Delaney said that she tried to make a snow angel but that the snow was too hard. I'll have to get the kids up to the mountains after the next storm so that she can make a snow angel on soft snow! I love her preschool...they do so many fun activities. I can't wait for Bryse to go there too!

Delaney and Izabelle

Snow is fun!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Treats

I've volunteered to bring treats to Delaney's school for her and her classmates to take home and I want them to be somewhat healthy for the kids. Does anyone have any ideas?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Delaney's School Pictures

I can't believe that I have a child old enough to have school pictures!! When did I get sooo old??
Delaney brought her pictures home from school today and they make me laugh!! She had to wear her favorite guitar shirt in the picture...I don't know how they got her to smile because she was not happy about having to get her picture taken!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Love Story of a Boy and Girl

Ryan and I shared our first kiss seven years ago today!! It's funny how I knew that Ryan was the one when we first met. The whole way home after meeting him I just kept saying, "Amy! He's the one!!!" We didn't start dating right away but here we are...7 years later!! I can't believe it!! We have definitely been through our ups and downs but there is no one else in the world that I would rather go through them with.
This picture is the day after our first kiss, we look so young! The picture was also taken on Stevie's birthday (Happy Birthday Stevie!!). We went snowboarding and I crashed into a SLOW sign at the bottom of the hill...what a great way to impress Ryan!!

There is more to the magic of November 29th......Four years ago today Delaney was conceived!! That sounds kind of strange to post for everyone to read but it's the truth!! Our beautiful daughter was created and we couldn't imagine our lives without her!!

Happy Anniversary Ryan!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful for Ryan

On Sunday night Ryan was coming home from work and craashed his car into a tree!! The horrible thing about it is that when he hit the tree and the airbag deployed it hit him so hard that it knocked him out. He got a concussion and now has no idea what happened or HOW it happened. Seeing his car like that when I pulled up to the accident was the scariest moment of my life. What in the world would I do without Ryan? He was so lucky that he didn't get hurt. I'm so thankful that there was no one else in the car or it could have been much worse. Thanksgiving really makes you think about what's important in your life and this accident really, really reinforced that to me. I love, love, love you Ryan!!! I may not be the best wife but I love you with all that I have and I'm so glad that you were not seriously injured because my world would stop without you in it. You are such a great dad, husband and friend and the world is truly a better place with you in it. So this Thanksgiving is a very special one honoring you. I love you!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Favorite Photo Friday

Here's an old pic of Ryan and I at what used to be the Riverside Brewing Company during the Orange Blossom Festival in 2003!! It's hard to believe that the Orange Bloosom Festival is no longer. We always enjoyed going and especially loved it when my cousin Jenn performed on the KFRG stage!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Delaney's School Projects

Delaney has been making all these super cute crafts at school. I have no idea what to do with them. She's made paintings, drawings, collages, etc. Any ideas??

Saturday, October 4, 2008

More pics from the summer

My cousin Jenn and her husband John came into town with her their baby Adelaide Colleen Nelson. She's so beautiful! She truly is a peanut (just like her mom describes her). We had a little girls night out to celebrate Jenn being home for a little over a week. We went to Citris City Grill and then to Killarney's. We had fun!! I love, love, love and miss, miss, miss you Jenn! My world isn't the same without you in it every day.

We went to a crazy mexican wrestling match and it was the funniest thing that I've ever been to! There were men and women dressed in the funniest costumes. It was a night of hilarious entertainment!!

dirty sanchez


midget chicken

this guy was one of the announcers... i can't remember his name